About ME

self diagnosed foodaholic. i'm also a mum to the most adorable angel on earth. have struggled with weight loss for years and now with the extra baby weight! paranoid city. I love a challenge, love love being a mum, grateful for my family, hate breakfast in bed,pebbled beaches and sea gulls (i'm sorry but they should be made extinct!!!). I wish we lived in a world without insects and fear is a friend and my biggest foe. I'm on a journey to discover just exactly who i am and as we live in a society thats all about the outside my weight and what i look like is a big part of that journey. I was fortunate enough to find my soul mate and trick him into marrying me, I am extremely gratful for all life has given me but i still yearn for a body like kate moss' hence the blog! I come from a 'big boned family' and i've always been on the losing end of my battle with the flab but last year i got a bit of leverage and i'm sure the battle will always be there but i'm determined to now be on the other side! the winning side. x