Tuesday, May 31, 2011

still going strong

An up to date itunes= a bad arse workout!!
Yes i have lost track of the tracy anderson bootcamp but no, i havent given up losing weight. Infact my weight loss to date is- 21lbs. Lost the last 3lbs in the last few days. This for me proves that variety is the spice of life. In order for me not to get bored and spare my joints all the different kinds of pain, i am mixing up my routines. I moved my workout to the gym for the last four days and used the crosstrainer and stepper as i was trying to give my knees a break, and what do you know?!! i'm still losing weight. I've worked at a very high intensity(not stopping until i was properly soaked in sweat) but for only half an hour at the gym. But i must say i'm still battling through the prefect design series(after pregnancy toning is mandatory!!!! cause lets face it, saggy and skinny aint better than fat and bulging)
I've also mixed up my diet a bit. As i said in my last blog, i've joined the glamour diet only consumer 1400kcal 6 days a week. I get a day off on saturday where i get to splurge(yummy chocolate brownies) and then back on track on the sunday!!! I love this new diet/life style. Its so much fun, it motivates me to stick to disgusting salads and tiny pieces of toast every day and i get a nice break at the weekend. I also get a sliver star for the 1st 7lbs i lose!!! if thats not motivation, then i dont know what is!!!
i've still got 35lbs to lose and by the glamour diet estimate, i wont reach that goal until the 1st of october but i'm really optimistic and i'm having so much fun with it. I really think i've found my new 'way of life'!!! bring on october i say!!!

Friday, May 27, 2011

B.C day ???

Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.

Lance Armstrong
My take- Pain is only temporary, but a beach body will last FOREVER

I know its shallow but today, Today i'm in need of motivation. I'm in desperate need of a pick me up. Did really well with my diet and exercise yesterday. Exercised for 80 mins and ate fairly well but i've had a bad day today even though i've exercised.I'm extremely tired and sluggish. Also i just realised i must reduce my peanutbutter intake to once a day :30g with a piece of toast!!! and i'm not happy.
So today i need to remember why i'm doing this, i need to persever and i need to start afresh tomorrow with a positive attitude because deep down, really deep down, theres a fabulous, skinny, gorgeous and extremely bitchy girl just waiting to burst out, and trust me the world will want to meet her!!!
well if not the world, i would love to meet her!
ps- have also joined glamour diets, its fun and crazy and wayyyy cheaper than weightwatchers!! lets restart this big fat weight loss program!! xxx

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Good Day!

Ok so perhaps i was a bit too harsh on Ms Tracy. Finished reading her book and realised she is human after all. She encourages an hour and a half for fast results but says an hour or half an hour of cardio will do just fine if you havent got the time. This makes me happy.
I guess i was just having a horrible day yesterday!
So back on the wagon again except this time, not so hard on myself. My Achilles tendon is a bit sore so no jumping for me tomorrow but this wont get me down, no sir it wont. Instead i'll power work on the treadmill for half an hour or use the cross trainer and then do the muscular structure work. My target: an hour of cardio + toning 5 days a week and on bad days, just half an hour.
I'm liking this new me and i'm feeling motivated all over again.
Also today an amazing thing happened!!!! i've been craving a slice of marble cake for 3 days now and today i finally gave up the fight and i baked it, had a slice and you know what?!! i felt ill!!!! Cake makes me ill!!! yay!!! I couldnt believe it.
My biggest temptation makes me feel sick. I only hope its not temporary!
Did no exercise today except go on a walk with hubby and little bj for an hour but it felt really good.
So all in all, it was a good day today. Looking forward to tomorrow.

Monday, May 23, 2011

one cloudy day

If you look outside right now, at what the weather is like- forceful wind, doom and gloom with a promise of rain- Its exactly how i feel inside. I feel like i have reached breaking point and so soon in my journey, it is not good news. I feel like i have set myself unrealistic targets and so i'm not satisfied with any progress if it isnt extraordinary.
I woke up today and i felt like i'd just been hit by a ton of bricks, mostly because i weighed myself and i had lost nothing. i refused to go out, i refused to do anything but my cardio and bless bj if it werent for him, i think i would have just sobbed the day away. He was wonderful today, making silly faces and loud gurgly noises i'd never heard before and making mummy laugh...so grateful to the little minx.
But it made me question myself- why am i doing this? have i lost sight of my goal? I need to get a little prespective.
Today, right now, this very minute, i consider myself the luckiest girl on earth. I feel like all my dreams have come through. I have an amazing hubby who would support me through anything, i had an easy pregnancy, an easy birth, a healthy child who makes my world just the most amazing place and i have so many choices, i can run a business i'm so passionate about or go back to uni and carry on with a course that interests me. I have everything i've always wanted but why arent i as happy as i should be or can be? why arent i content? Why is there always something?
I want to lose weight to be a better me, i want to be happy in my skin and i want to add that to the happiness and goodness in my life not takeaway??, i dont want my journey to 'perfection' to affect the happiness i have already, i want it to complement it and i must always remember that.
On that note i'm mixing up my routine (again dont judge me too harshly) 'm going to try one of my old aerobics dvds, just to spice things up a bit and to keep me from quitting. This journey for me is about what works and i used to enjoy a workout so much but since trying to stick to tracys i've struggled because well my life has changed. I need to readjust.
I'm not a quitter and i refuse to lose the battle of the bulge, i'd rather stray a bit from tracy (even though i love her) than give up exercise completely. So here goes nothing! xxxx

Saturday, May 21, 2011

B. C Day 2- Fat times :-(

Bj wiggled off his play chair today for the first time!!!! it was so weired, i put him in his chair whilst i popped to the kitchen to get a drink, came back and he was on the floor giggling!!! Big step for him!! I'm a proud mama ;-)
On a completely different note, Today was the worse day in exercise history! (in my life that is). I woke up feeling ill. It's pretty much the same kind of flu like feeling you get when you're milks coming in for the first time but worse. I'm sore all over, tired and my body just wont do what i tell it, so i decided to quit as i thought it just wasnt worth it!!!But then i read a bit in the book were tracy says this feeling is normal???? and it goes away after day two and it gets better so i decided to persever.
I did 20 mins of cardio(dont judge me too harshly)and 30 mins of muscular structuring and also went for an hour walk all the while just feeling tired. So glad bj was in good form, didnt fight the routine and loved going on a walk as not sure if i had the will power to do all the things gina ford says too if the routine doesnt work. I just about got all of that done, didnt do the laundry, ironing, lunch, or bother to clean any room in the house, just didnt have the energy, i bet you pity the sucker that is my husband eh?.
But i did lose 3/4lbs today so some reward for all the hard work. I hope i feel better tomorrow as i have wayyyy tooo much to do and cant afford another lazy day :-(. These really are fat timessss

Friday, May 20, 2011

Boot camp DAY 1

Today, Tracy anderson kicked my arse!!! LITERALLY!!! I'm hurting in places i didnt know existed until now!!! just excurciating pain. Just after fininshing the series, i thought about how sick my relationship to this method is. Whilst doing it, i was filled with self loathing, (especially doing the half plank) it was so hard but i couldnt stop. It was like i wanted more but i felt like a failure for not being able to push myself as hard as i could. sick, right? Its like a freaking addiction!
Reading her book, she says you must treat the 30 days like a job, you need to do 90mins of exercise a day and you mustn't let yourself get distracted by your kids????? what?!!! even with gina ford and all her miracles, there is just no way on earth i can find 90 mins for a 'workout' EVERYDAY!!! PLUS how can i ignore my 13 week old baby screaming in the next room for 90 mins? not only does that make me insane, i think it's illegal!!!! in so many countries and i'm not as fortunate as Gwyneth Paltrow, I can NOT afford help.
Having said all of that and even cursed the book and the picture of tracy in front looking fabulous, I still want to do the bootcamp, I still NEED to do it. Its like my Achills heel or something, oooohhh no, its my EVEREST. So i cut out all the warm ups and cool downs(who needs to be warm before exercise anyway? and walking to get bj from his crib is cool down enough for me thank you very much!), which is like 20 mins in all and exercised for 65mins!!! genius? I think so!!!!
But that just means, i had to wake up extra early to get all my chores done and now i'm absoluetly shattered, in pain and cant keep my eyes open. I guess fabulousity and perfection come with a price.
On a completely different but connected note, the marks and spencer sport bra department hate big boobs and wants to destroy them!!! either that or their testers are men. I had to change my sports bra 3 times!!!! it was horrible. They shouldnt be called sports bras, just bras.
Sorry in such an irritable mood today, perhaps its the lack of food and the exhaustion of 65mins exercise. BUT I am proud of myself for sticking or finding a way round Ms tracy's demands. and since last sat, i've lost 4lbs!!! i am beyond happy!!!! let the good times roll!!! xxxxxx

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The perfect design

A little prayer of thanks to the heavens for the woman that is Gina Ford. Forget 'supernanny', Ms Ford is the baby whisperer. Due to her amazing routines i have now been able to get 3 WHOLE HOURS to myself everyday~!!!! which means i now get all the housework done, prepare supper, do THE METHOD in the day and go for an hour walk with bj and hubby everyday!!!! She's amazing.
Having said that, i didnt do any part of THE METHOD today, i had a break BUT i went for an hour walk and my diet was great so that should count for something right?
oh and even bigger news, the 30 day method came in the post today, yes i know, i'm drunk on tracy anderson and i'm proud.
Having now acquired all her dvds but one, i have decided to create a workout for myself doing all her stuff and constantly challenging my body but i cant do the diet. I just wont survive on less than 1000kcal a day( i have a son, a husband and a house to run!!!) so i'll create a new diet based on hers but with 15ookcal!
Using THINspiration from shannon, i've created a 30 day timetable with rest days, i'm going to start with her cardio and perfect design 1 for 10 days, then switch to perfect design two for 10 days and then upgrade to design 3 for the last 10 days and then upgrade to the 90 days meta, I'm soooo excited and filled with hope!!! (perhaps kate moss's body may not just be a dream ha!)
So hoping 4 months from now, i will be the prefect design!!!! Heres to tracy! Perfection and to Gina Ford! xxxxx

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


The 90 day metamorphosis came in the post today and to summarise it in one word- AWESOME!!!! I could literally feel my body changing and all the fat melting away as i sat there watching it. Tracy Anderson is the Einstein of fitness. I wasn't just impressed by her body but all the different series were just amazing and challenging. Definately aimed to kick my arse! I cant wait to start it!
But as much as i would love to start it right away, I 've been told i'd have to give up 'jumpy' type cardio as i had an accident today. 3 mins to the end of my workout my right leg just like died and i crumbled to the floor but i still managed to finish the cardio!! haha! if thats not determination, i dont know what is. But it turns out i've done the ligaments in my right knee, i cant put any weight on it for awhile so i've been hopping around like a freaking hobo.
Never fear i still managed to do the mat workout and i'm hoping tomorrow i feel well enough to do half an hour power walk and the mat workout, i guess overweight and jumping just dont go :-).

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

extraordinary tuesday

(Just a quick update as i'm way past my bed time)
The fitness god mother herself is calling on all metamophosised women to come forward and be a part of her website!!! its on facebook, twitter, everywhere!!!!
This bit of news is very bitter sweet for me because its something i have dreams about but unfortunately i cant be a part of as in Tracy Anderson terms i'm probably 4st over the mark and my tummy still jiggles!! if only this oppurtunity could have come 90days from now!
Oh well, she's still my THINspiration ;-). And progress!!! i was able to run 4.5K in 30 mins today at 6am this morning!!(i decided to mix my workout up a bit as dont want to get bored of dancing just yet) This and the fact that i'm acquiring a different level of food maturity convinces me that prefection is not too far away. Any day now and i'll be the next kate moss or as close to her as my body will let me.
All in all, a good tuesday! xx

Monday, May 16, 2011

a ray of hope?

For the first time in a very long time i reached for my trainers instead of a piece of toast with lots of peanut butter and honey when i felt my usual hormonal blue and i put tracy anderson on and danced out the sadness in my living room like a crazy chicken on crack, and i tell you, it felt good! both during and afterwards. Looking back now i'm so proud of myself but i must keep reminding me that it is the very first step.
Having said that, i struggled again today to find time to do the mat workout so i had to cut it in half. I did half of it whilst bj was sleeping and i did the other half whilst making supper! imagine that.
Since i became obssessed with weight loss i've got to say housework and lots of my duties have and are suffering. I've got 2 loads of laundry that need separating and ironing, the house is screaming for a hoover and the quality of my cooking has gone down the drain! so apart from my little minx who is always my number one piority and my weight loss which has become second(for now), everything else is being neglected even though i get help from my hubby!!!! which makes me wonder how single mums or mums with more than one child lose weight! Surely its almost impossible as i'm just about making it here.
Anyhoo i'm learning how to be more organised and that invovles me being up at 7am(yuk!!!!)not looking forward to it but its got to be done! The fun ad exciting life of a first time mum!!!! 2 days done, 4 more to go!!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

a new beginging ish

if i had a diet and exercise chart, there will be a huge red cross against the diet and a massive green tick against the exercise!!!!
i did all 8 combinations for the first time in my life and completed the whole mat workout as well but i ate all the cakes left over from yesterday!
I knew it was going to be a bad day as i woke up tired but at least i got the exercise bit done, just need to work on my diet. It really struck me today whilst watching morbidly obese(sunday tv is crap) just exactly why i want to do this and why losing isnt an option. Being very over weight or very under weight can consume you, its like a prison, it takes total control of you're life and everyone judges you just by how you look, there's a common stereotype the fat people are lazy people which of course is unfair but thats the reality of the world we live in. Its not just that but its waking up in the morning and looking in the mirror and liking what you see, going shopping and being able to find something really nice to wear without having to be directed to the extra large department and it doesnt even have to be that extreme, its just about feeling good about yourself at 8st, 9 st or even 18st. I've set many goals for myself and none of them is to be stick thin. I want to be able to run the 5k, i want to be abale to complete all of tracy andersons dvds and then her 90 day metamorphosis and i want to love eating healthy! as i know my body will thank me for that. I guess all i'm trying to say is i want to love my body completely. Dont get me wrung, i dont want to be obssessed with it but i want to make it the best it can be as it is a part of me.
All in all, for the first day i struggled. I struggled to find the time to do the cardio (especially since bj was in a foul mood today), i struggled to make myself do the cardio and i struggled to push my body through the mat workout but i got it done and i'm very proud, tomorrow i'll work harder on my diet and even push harder with the exercise. one day done, 5 more to go(for inspiration i've broken my month down into weeks) wish me luck!!! xx

Saturday, May 14, 2011

the calm before the storm

Today was a lovely end or shall i say a new begining to my weight loss goal.
Had a lovely bbq with a lot of the peolple that are important to me and gorged on all the foods that are special to me in preparation for the new begining of the end. Like the weight watchers advert says 'lose weight for the last time'.
In the last few weeks i've been inspired to take a new, very different approach to weight loss and i'm buzzing with excitment about it.
So taking a que from shannon, a fellow blogger who is doing the 90 days metamorphosis and my fitness god mother herself, Tracy anderson, I'm going to work my way to perfection. For the next 4 weeks, i'm going to do the tracy anderson cardio in conjuction with her mat workout and then go a step further and do her perfect design i, ii, iii with her dance cardio two and work my way up to her 90 days program!!!! Like everyone else, i love a challenge and being able to do this would be a huge achivement for me. I intend to blog my progress everyday but also include just how i'm managing to get on with the diet having just had a baby 3 months ago and trying to run a business. So many other people have done it and i'm deteremined to do it too!!! here's to weight loss and self confidence. xxx

Friday, May 13, 2011

standing still

There is nothing as bad as standing still in life, well except moving backwards which is even worse! At the moment, my weight loss seems to have come to a standstill. I've got 3lbs to lose to get into the 12st zone but it's not happening.
I've got a few guesses as to why this is. I eat less but later at night, i'm constantly exhasuted and drink lots of diet soda!!!! plus i'm on my period!
So i've come up with an idea to shock my body and push me closer to my ideal weight!!!! Starting from sunday, i will blog about my exercise, my diet and my thoughts everyday, this way i can look back and find were i've gone wrung. I've also decided to be more aggressive with my cardio! and who best to help with that but the amazing fitness god mother herself ms tracy anderson. I've learnt all the routines for her dance cardio and strating from tomorrow, i'll do it every other day, i'll mix it up with a bit of running as i need to start training to run the race for life 5k in july and i will invest alot of time in tracy's mat workout!
At the moment my life is manic especially with my little prince but i intend to wake up earlier than usual and use that time to focus on my body and try to get it looking the best it can be for a 22 year old whos just had a baby and hasnt done any surgery!!!! like i said in my last post! the battle has only just begun!
bring on sunday!!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

a positive update

Its been almost a month since i last blogged. This doesnt mean i've fallen off the wagon but i've struglled to find time to fit everything in. Since i last blogged i've lost almost 6lbs more, i'm a stone away from my pre-pregnancy weight but i must say, it hasnt been easy!! i have exercised everyday and even though my diet hasnt been perfect it's been pretty close to it. And also, i've become a fan of the METHOD. Tracy anderson is saving my life!!! she has kept me from getting bored of workouts, her method challenges me everyday and every victory empowers me to be the best i can be at that point in time!!!! her method has become an unhealthy obssession for me.
As I'm fighting this uphill battle, i'm beggining to look at it as a way of life. I cant lose, quitting is not an option, i refuse to accept defeat. So every time theres a hiccup in the system, maybe i put on a lbs or 2, i just shrug it off and carry on. I have to. I've had great support from my husband and to him i'm grateful. I've also tried hard to keep busy with various projects as everyone knows beeing home with a 3 month old and such lovely weather can only lead to lots of daytime tv, warm brownies, chocolate icecream and lots of ice cold pimms out in the garden.
I've only lost a stone and a half and of course i shouldnt get comfortable! the battle has only just begun!!!!! mwhahahahahahahahahaha