Friday, June 17, 2011

count down day 22

In the last few days, life seems to have gotten in the way of soooo many things and i just simply refused to make time to log my progress etc and since my hormones have balanced themselves out,i havent been in much need for an outlet for my emotions. That said i have stuck to my exercise and dieting regime and in doing this, i made a friend. My fitness pal. This website is the facebook for fitness addicts, its soo american i love it. I've fallen in love with the apps, the exercise tracker and the food log book. It has everthing and more. There is a great support system of fat people turned skinny and people who are on a similar journey just waiting to share their stories, tips and strategies to battle weight. These people are motivating and most of the life stories on this website are both humbling and inspiring. For the first time in my life i geuniely believe that i can reach the goal weight i dreamed of since i wore my first ever training bra which i grew out of in weeks(and its been down hill from there, literally!!).
The best thing about this site is that it is free!!! i'm so addicted to it, i'm constantly logging in and reporting daily calories and reading peoples success stories! its sooo much fun but it feels bit naughty as you can see what people eat and how they workout day to day.
As of today i've only lost 2lbs but i'm so pumped with new determination that at the moment it's not about the weight loss but clocking in exercise calories everyday and eating within my calorie target for the day. I'm like a completely different person since finding my fitness pal.
love it!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Count down day 27

We had to spend all day indoors today because of the terrible weather. There's something about wet, gloomy days that just puts a downer on everything and i tried to use that as an excuse not to exercise. But after spending a few hours indoors with no fresh air, i'd had enough and popped out to the gym. It was soooo amazing, my mood changed completely, so much so that i stayed in there and did an extra half hour of toning! and that good mood has lasted the whole day!
Also i decided to have a rrreeeally lazy day and since i couldnt go to church, i had ALOT of time on my hand so spent it between reading fitness threads on netmums and driving bj and hubby insane. Whilst reading the threads on netmums, it struck me just how many mums struggle with weight after pregnancy and the truth is for the average mum next door, your body is NEVER the same again and apart from some really lucky women with amazing genes(NOTE: WE SHOULDNT ENVY THESE WOMEN, WE SHOULD THROW STONES AT THEM.....ON THE STREETS!!:-)) the rest of us have to work painfully hard at trying to look yummy. Its harder if you have more than one child, a single parent and or going through some sort of trauma.
It also suprised me how common emotional eating is. Lots of mums, me included eat out of boredom, when happy, tired etc. I think the only time i cant emotional eat is when i'm anxious, worried or terribly sad.
This weightloss thing is such a BIATCH. i sometimes wish it wasnt that big a deal but it is human nature to want what seems a bit unachievable, just a bit out of reach, that kind of is what success is all about isnt it?
because when i'm 8st 10 (and i will be!!!)and looking fabulous, i will also get that sense of achievment and i can brag about just how much work it was and feed on the admiration i get from people who will congratulate me on my 'hard' journey. and there will be people, even if i have to pay them!!
oh yeah baby! only 27 days to go.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

count down day 30!!

Is it weird to comb the hair of your almost 17 week old baby?!!! Bj has such adorable hair, if i may say so myself and he has lots of it!!! The texture is quite fine like his dads but very curly, it is adorable and i could eat it and would eat it but think i could go to jail for that. The problem with his hair is that it now glues together. The curls sort of just tangle terribly and attach to each other and if it isnt combed through to seperate it, it glues. In the begining i just cut the bits that glued together but as his grown older and has produced more of it, its either cut it all off or comb it!! and i dont have the heart to cut it, plus his dad wont let me(he thinks its the source of all bjs powers like samson in the bible??!!! hubby isnt even a christain!!!) but i went down to the village with him today and an old lady asked me if i combed his hair, i said yes and she made a face and walked right on by........
ok my weight loss today = nothing. still 12st 9lbs but not disappointed, my body is just understanding what it feels like to be that light but i'm positive in a day or two, i'll be 12st 8!!!! having said that, i did make a pear sponge today ;-(. i've been craving it for ages and when the shop was delivered today, i used the fresh pears to make it and it was scrummy!!!!! so scrummy i had 2 squares hehehe. In my defence its been a manic day today. I've been up since 5am, did ALOT of house work, went to a mums group, squeezed in 30 mins of tracy's cardio(which by the way i'm taking another break from as my knee hasnt completely healed and is getting in the way of what could potentially be THE greatest workout of my life and the key to looking like kate moss) gave bj a bath, made supper and just ate it!!! i'm EXHAUSTED but i hope i lost enough calories to make those pear sponges disappear! we shall see at the weigh in tomorrow mwhahahahahahahaha

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Count down to christening

In the last couple of days my emotions have been on a bit of a roller coaster and i've had this overwhelming feeling of failure. Its definately all me as hubby has been as stable as ever and bj bless his heart has been on top form. Full of smiles and giggles, sleeping well, talking loads and just being perfect....I cant quite put my finger on what exactly the problem was so i concluded that perhaps i might be coming on my period??!!and when i feel like that i find it hard to express myself so i start writing, get confused and stop. The cloud has passed now i feel very much in control of my emotions again.
My weight loss is progressing, i'm 12st 9lbs now and very pleased with the progress, however i have gone back on weight watchers(dont judge me too harshly) and i'm combining that with my glamour diet. I never stopped exercising as its become some kind of a release for me, although the funnist thing happened today. As you know, i gave tracy's cardio a bit of a break last week and did vicky binns dvd, went running twice(5k) and using the gym. I attempted doing a bit of tracy today and i'm ashamed to say i only lasted 20mins before i crumpled to the floor like a block of melted lard!!! in embarrassment i forced myself to do most of her post pergnancy tonning dvd and would have carried on if bj hadnt interrupted me!
On a completely different note, Bj got his first library card today and borrowed his first 20 baby books today!!! and 30 days from tomorrow, bj will be christened. I'm a proud mama! he is my pride and joy and in a weird way, my best friend. I know its odd but i havent spent this much time with anyone in my life!! we spend soooo much time together that i think yes he does know me. I forget he's but a baby and i chat to him for hours and whether he understands me or not he makes noises back and tries to pull my hair or eat my face(which i'm sure is his way of showing affection).
Still on the topic of the christening, i've got a dear friend to take photos of it all, this will be the first time i will pose in front of the camera post baby so i have to look fabulous!!
Bearing that in mind, i'm starting yet another bootcamp for 30 days starting tommorow and this one, i will complete!! I want to lose 10lbs by the 8th of july and tone up like crazy. Of course i will be gyming 5-6 days a week and eat healthier removing my binge day!! i know it is a crash diet but i think it is a nice realistic target and i'm quite sure i can do it! xxxx

Saturday, June 4, 2011

2nd day off

how do you know you enjoy doing something? when you do it on your day off. Following the advice of someone who knows alot about exercise, i decided i would only gym 5 days a week taking 2 days off. I had a day off on wed and today was supposed to be my 2nd day off and binge day when i get to eat anything i want. I had my lovely brownies but i still ended up exercising.
Thing is, not trying to brag as i have only lost 3 lbs more but i'm actually enjoying the variety. On thursday i walked into the gym and ran the furthest i have yet, even pre pregnancy i hadnt run that far. I ran the whole 5 k and loved it. On friday danced to vicky binns dvd doing every section even the toning. Today i started tracy's post pregnancy workout and just couldnt stop as it was so addictive. And when i was done i got out my good old minsitry of sounds pump it up 2011 and enjoyed the tunes. Am i becoming an exercise junkie?!! i bloody well hope so!! It would be an absolute dream come true hehe.
Also the strangest thing is i get more of a thrill when i set myself a fitness target and meet it than i do with weighing myself. Its such a reward knowing i can do things i could only dream about, i mean dont get me wrung i could never climb mount everest or run the marathon but i remember 10 weeks ago today when i attempted doing tracy's post pregnancy workout and turned the tv off half way through in embrassement and fustration. But today i did every single section and i enjoyed the pain!! i've still got the sagging skin in my mid section but give me a month and a half on this dvd and i'm sure it will disappear completely!!!
I know i havent got a great track record of sticking to things eg tracy's 30 day boot camp or the prefect design series but i intend to do this post pregnancy dvd 5 days a week(+ my beloved cardio of course) for 2 months starting tomorrow!!!
Reading this i bet you're thinking omg she must be crazy fit now and skinny, sorry to disappoint but i'm not, I'm still as flabby and large as ever, My goal is still soooo far away but i am fitter and i can just about fit into all my prepregnancy clothes. Nonetheless i really dont want to fall into the 'early reward' trap and the only way i think i can avoid that is to keep setting targets for myself. so let the weightloss journey continue xxxx

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


First official day off from exercise without any guilt!!! woohoo!!
I had such a lovely day today, instead of obssessing about weight loss, i got up really early, got a bit of house work done, got dressed and spent the day with friends. It was amazing. It was just so nice to sit and have a chat about anything and everything apart from weight loss, poop, vomit and sleep. I was just sarah today, not fat sarah, not wife sarah, not mummy sarah, just me! i enjoyed the lovely weather, whilst bj made a new friend(not sure if it was really friendship as he seemed a bit scared- bj seems to be scared of girls his age, this worries me a bit)
then went for a long hour walk with hubby and bj, made a lovely supper when we got home and.....i got more house work done!!! me!!! i'm soooo proud of myself plus i managed to stay well within my kcal target for the day without even thinking about it.
The day has ended and i am exhausted but very content! even though i havent 'exercised' i've got soo much done and i got to take a break from everything which just makes me appreciate all the great things in life more!